Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Orange and Cream Snow Cream

It really is snowing. 

I felt the need to celebrate this rare occasion and day off from school with recreating a childhood favorite: the infamous snow cream. 

I braved the harsh elements of a North Carolina blizzard to bring you up to the minute coverage of a new way to eat your snow, with a wedge of orange on the side. I used the tried and true sweetened condensed milk version of snow cream from winters past, but kicked it up with some zested orange as well as orange juice. 

The result was really awesome. It tasted like a orange and cream-sickle but it was low fat. (I used reduced fat condensed milk) Everyone who is lucky enough to have a little snow on their front porch needs to head out and enjoy the snow, both in sledding and in your belly. 

Stay warm.

Orange and Cream Snow Cream-

1/4 of a cup reduced fat sweetened condensed milk
zest of one orange
juice of 1/2 of an orange
Snow (I don't know how to measure this, just use enough but not too much)

Whisk together the orange ingredients and the milk. Fold in snow. Enjoy. 

You must do this all outside to make it official, by the way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! great idea... i love snow cream but never thought of making a flavored version. very creative!